/** * An example of Flix for syntax highlighting. */ // Here is a namespace. namespace a.b.c { // Here are some literals. def b: Bool = true def c: Char = 'a' def f: Float = 1.23 def i: Int = 42 def s: Str = "string" // Here are some relations. rel LitStm(r: Str, c: Int) rel AddStm(r: Str, x: Str, y: Str) rel DivStm(r: Str, x: Str, y: Str) // Here is a lattice. lat LocalVar(k: Str, v: Constant) // Here is an index. index LitStm{{r}, {r, c}} // Here is an enum. enum Constant { case Top, case Cst(Int), case Bot } // Here is a function. def leq(e1: Constant, e2: Constant): Bool = match (e1, e2) with { case (Constant.Bot, _) => true case (Constant.Cst(n1), Constant.Cst(n2)) => n1 == n2 case (_, Constant.Top) => true case _ => false } // Here are some rules. LocalVar(r, alpha(c)) :- LitStm(r, c). LocalVar(r, sum(v1, v2)) :- AddStm(r, x, y), LocalVar(x, v1), LocalVar(y, v2). }